About Me

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I am Christian. I believe that the Holy Bible is God's one and only %100 true Word. I believe every single thing in the Bible, nothing more and nothing less. I believe that music is one of God's greatest gifts in the entire world. In turn, I listen to music all the time. (Thank you Apple!) I also believe that the ability to fly is one of God's greatest gifts to man. I also want to build my own plane and take my family around the world.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Action to Act

My name means small. My life. My heart. It's all here. My heart is exuberant. Expression does not compare to this. All that I am is more than what I can express. My success is not measured by what I say. I may speak but these actions make my word true. I speak to God. Does it ever stop? Life, I mean. Does it have to? I don't think so. Life means so much to me. Now, I know that seems a little bit out there but I mean it. My favorite place to be is among the natural environment of a forest. I can breathe deep and smell the life around me. It makes me feel free. Freedom I value more than most things in life because what is our life if we are not free to make our own mature decisions. Like the most important one, to love God.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The Ever Beautiful Unknown

You have given me everything I am. You made me... You are so mysterious. You are the creator of everything. Sound You made. Emotion and feeling You made. Desire, You made.I have so many questions for You and yet I can't hear your voice with my ears like I hear Your music. I cna't hear you like I hear my mother telling me that she loves me... Why? I give my life to You God. I surender everything daily for You. Why can't I hear You? I know it takes faith but at some point just cause and effect wear me down Lord. We humans call it blind faith. It's not blind, because I see Your proof in everyday life. You are far too beautiful and magesttic to not show Your glory through nature and the universe. I am simply tired God. I want to hear Your voice, loud and clear.. I want to know you so well Lord... I long for You and want to be near You. You are indescribable. I feel so distracted and pulled away from You... Why? I don't run from Your or Your presence. I'm not sitting still... I'm actively seeking You God... Why do I not feel like I'm making any progress in knowing You? I don't think I know You any better than I did when I gave You my life... Why? Why did You give me the passions and desires that I have? I have a craving to go into space and just be amongst Your glory. Your beautiful masterpiece. I don't dare pass over ourselves but Louie Giglio has shown me just how big and amazing You are... You are HUGE and FEROCIOUS! You breathe stars out... like breath! I want to know You and thaat is the most beautiful way of knowing Your creation. I can know Your creation all I want but that still doesn't let me know You any better... Why God? I feel so much right now... I just want to let it all out right now! I can't hold back how beautiful I see Your creation as right now! Why can't I remember this during my trials God?! Why?! I feel so depressed God because my mind is set in the now and in the present... I want to be spiritually minded so thatI can live with You. Why did You give me this passion to be out there instead of here? Why did You give me a mind that thinks about human interaction with history and the future and the economy and how everything affectcs everything else. Why did You give me so much? A mind to think about thinking about its self? Why do You love us so much? Why? Why can't I know all of this and still not be at peace with who I am in You? I rely completely on You... You give me everything I need to do Your will... Why do I want to strive for perfection even know I can't obtain it? I have a feeling of passion for You so much more when I have music playing God, Why? Why did You link my passion for You with music? With knowing how large and beautiful the universe is? God I love You. Protect me from Satan, Protect my family from Satan. Bring my brothers to You God. I want them to know You... I know You do. Give me the opportunities to show them what You are... Bring all that I know to You... Be the shining light that I follow God. I want to reflect Your light to all of those around me. I love You.

God's Still Small Voice

A few days ago, I heard God speak to me. In a subtle and quiet way. First I was in a position where I wanted to listen to Him and I was feeling down and wondering why... I had no idea what it was that was bringing me down... I have so much stuff to make me happy as an american. I have my two parents that love eachother and me. I have an awesome brother who lives upstairs. I have a computer, a job, an amazing highschool, amazing friends, great social status, a great God given immagination and mind... I don't know why I had any reason to be sad or just not happy...

It was at that point i asked God to show me... not a second later He reminded me that I hadn't gotten into and read His word in quite a while. A week ago I asked Him to give me and my friends a flame for Him and then fan it to groe into a great fire that consumes those around us. This is how he did it.

God's word is the fuel for my walk with God, the bible is a 66 book love letter for me that is meant to guide me and reveal the truth about life. When I am living a riggorou life that could only be supported by God then I need to have Him fueling this life.

I need to get into His word and become filled with it. The message of the Bible brings life and joy beyond reasoning. Jeremiah 33:3 says that He will reveal to me great annd wondrous things that I could never immagine or firgure out. This is so comforting that I don't have to rely on my own wisdom to accomplish the life God has set infront of me. I am now longing to read the Word all the time and there's nothing Satan can do to stop that longing.


Sunday, November 14, 2010

A Joyful Noise

     This February My life changed drastically. God got my attention. During Patmos He showed me the biggest things in the way of my life and His plan. When I began to let them go He began to work in my life only because  I allowed Him to. Recently He showed me that He is using my changed life to encourage others and lift them up. My friend said "I enjoy our conversations and they make me laugh and I miss laughing more than I realized" I went from being angry to joyful. God is using that for His will. :) (btw, genuine good holy laughter is one of the most joyful noises I will ever experience.)

God Bless,

Sunday, November 7, 2010


     Greetings traveler! My greatest wish and purpose in this blog is to befriend you. If anything on any of my blogs  you have issues with or offends you please contact me through a private message. Please accept my offering of friendship and follow my blog. I am a very busy person and therefore can not update my blog on a daily basis. please be patient, I will get to it eventually.

Yours truly,
